Welcome to the launch of the The Great Charity Pot and Print Fair 2022.
You might know of it, you might have been involved with it last year but, either way, you are certainly going to want to be involved in 2022!
In case you haven’t heard of this fantastic event before, here’s a quick potted history.
In November 2020 a Leeds potter, Lorna of Lorna Gilbert Ceramics, had a wonderful idea… Having been closely involved with her favourite local charity, she was painfully aware of what an impact the pandemic was having on charities ability to fundraise.
She pondered on the idea of strength in numbers, wondering whether the generosity and kindness that had been shown throughout the pandemic could be extended to raise precious funds for the charities who support our communities in good times and in bad. She reached out to her creative community via Instagram and was met with a resounding “Yes!”
What started as a local idea quickly transformed into an international event, with famous potters like Keith Brymer Jones, Sue Pryke and Kate Malone MBE, most famous for Channel 4’s The Great Pottery Throw Down, joining in to support charities all over the country.
It was a wonderful snowball of an event and over £17,000 was raised for charities around the world.
The whole experience exceeded all of Lorna’s and the participants expectations.
Incredibly, Lorna managed it all single handedly with love, patience and an astonishing amount of energy. It was, however, a huge amount of work for one person and so, wisely Lorna has put together a team to run next year’s event. I’m so proud to be part of this team, along with the very lovely Katherine from Atlantic Ceramics – we’re her right and left hand ladies ready to support her with every eventuality!
We’re running the event on Tresstle. It’s a brilliant platform that has so much potential for makers in these times of change. There is a whole shiny new charity section for us to christen with this event. Rebecca Spikings Design has created a gorgeous logo for us and Lisa Stubbs and Joanne Crawford have provided some beautiful images to get people in the mood.
We already have a number of ‘Ceramic and Printmaking Heroes’ on board ready to join in and help us raise the profile and even more funds for all of our charities! (News of these stars coming very soon…)
We’ve all been working away behind the scenes meeting and planning over the last couple of months. It’s been really exciting and now it’s time to bring you in too.
We will be opening up for applications between the 5th and 25th of January 2022. We are limiting participants but it will be considerably bigger than last year. We want everyone to have the same chance to catch peoples eyes and hearts with their creations and charities. The applications will be selected but groups are welcome to apply too. There will be a (very) small charge to cover the cost of the platform administration. Everyone involved is giving so much, we are already overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm people have for this event.
Click here to visit the event page »
We are so looking forward to sharing The Great Charity Pot and Print Fair 2022 story with you as it unfolds.
With love,
Amy Cooper and The Great Charity Pot and Print Fair Team 2022
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